Monday, June 16, 2014

Custom Order

Don't see exactly what you like in the shop? Please contact me about a custom order. I will try to meet your expectations.  Check out this: Sun and moon suncatcher. It was a custom order based on the customers wants and my interpretation. It turned out awesome! Thanks for the inspiration CC!

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

And another catcher of the sun...

One more entry into the fray!

Lead crystal refracts sunlight, creating rainbows whenever the sunlight touches it. Oh, and if there is a breeze, dancing rainbows.

For some, crystals stir the energy in a room, home or office.

For others, crystals are protective.

I think the magic power of a crystal is simply it's ability to be just what you need it to be.

I've made suncatchers for years. I love the play of light. I primarily use them outside, hanging in the trees, though I have them in the house, too. I leave the tree drops 'hanging out' all year long. All the materials are weather resistant and I enjoy the sparkle in the weary winter months so much.

Find this beauty, HERE

Sunday, June 1, 2014

To the Moon Suncatcher

Oh, you know you want it!

The Cobalt Crescent Moon shape is as stunning in person as it is in the pictures. It is going to be absolutely beautiful in someone's home. Don't wait too long. It won't be in the shop long!

find it HERE